Lost or Stolen Wallet Protection
Losing your wallet can cause panic and an alarming amount of stress. Whether it's been lost, or stolen, there are important steps to quickly take to protect your personal data.

Be Prepared
Wallets often contain our most important and sensitive information, such as driver’s licenses, credit cards, and debit cards. Pick-pockets, purse snatchers, and other thieves who obtain financial and identification information can cause significant disruption and financial loss. Thieves can use stolen information to get credit and make expensive purchases, such as cell phone plans or high-priced electronics. So it’s crucial to be prepared and act fast to minimize much of the potential damage from a lost or stolen wallet.

Safeguarding Tips
Equifax: 1-800-525-6285
Experian: 1-888-397-3742
Trans Union: 1-800-680-7289
Social Security Administration Fraud Line: 1-800-269-0271

Law Enforcement Agencies
If your wallet is stolen, you should report the theft to the Law Enforcement agency in that county or city.
Numbers for the local agencies are listed below:
- Chesterfield County Police: 804-748-1251
- City of Colonial Heights Police: 804-520-9331
- City of Hopewell Police: 804-541-2222
- City of Petersburg Police: 804-732-4222
- City of Richmond Police: 804-644-5100
- Hanover Sheriff’s Office: 804-365-6140
- Henrico County Police: 804-501-5000
- New Kent Sheriff’s Office: 804-966-9500
- Powhatan Sheriff’s Office: 804-598-5656
- Prince George Police: 804-733-2773

Stay Informed
Being prepared for the possibility of a lost or stolen wallet can save you time, money, and stress. By staying informed, following these safeguarding tips, and knowing whom to contact, you can minimize the impact of theft and protect your financial and personal information.
Additional Resources
Online Security Center
Simple resources and tips to ensure your safety and security while online.
Personal Information
Practical steps to take if you think you've given out personal information.
Annual Credit Report
Regularly reviewing your credit report is essential.